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Professional speaking has three goals: to inform, entertain, inspire, and get your audience to take action. I will share with you eight presentation skills that I use in my talks to keep my audience on their toes until the end.

1. Speak Something Straight Off The Bat that Connects to The Audience

Let me show you how I open a talk. I have given over 5,000 talks, seminars and talks. I usually open a talk with the same words: "Congratulations!" This means you are among the top 10% adults in our society. I use this phrase in Russia, Finland, Canada and Atlanta. Then, I ask the audience if they know anyone who could have come. They usually don't seem to be very successful people. I might even tell them that I will share some of my ideas, which are used by the top 10% in this field. These ideas can help them move forward faster than they could have ever imagined. Next, I try to avoid using filler words such as um and like. Finally, I launch into my talk.

2. Connect with Emotion

When I speak to people, I sometimes ask them, "Tell us, what percentage of their thinking is emotional and rational?" After a while, they will finally answer, "Oh, it's 10% logical, 80%, or 90% emotional. Tell them "No. This means that people's thinking is 100% emotionally. People think emotionally, but justify their actions logically. Our subconscious mind and emotions function at many thousand times faster than logic. For example, you might meet someone and instantly feel like them. There may be many reasons why you don't instantly like this person. Your emotions were like a switchblade. But your logic followed and you found the reasons.

3. Let the Audience Know How Great They Are

Throughout the talk I will say "So I'm always linking back" and tell them that they are among the top 10%. That's how great they are. This is one way to make the talk entertaining and fun. People will smile and feel happy.

They're thinking...

This guy is really smart. He told me that I was among the top 10% and I didn't know it.

4. Link back to your opening during your speech

It's very powerful to start with a strong opening or tell a story that your entire talk can connect and hook into. This is what I have done year after year. More storytelling to follow.

5. Refer to the Audience's Self Interests

People are motivated by something other than the topic. Many people who attended my seminar have said that they were forced to attend. They were not interested in coming because they thought they wouldn't learn anything. I was a wonderful person so they didn't come because they didn’t want to. They came because they had to. The question is: What are your motivations to get them to listen?

They all said, "Yes!" Yes!"

They are my total interest.

For example, if you are talking about golf, ask them if they would like their score to be reduced by five strokes every game.

6. Use stories to engage your audience

Stories are the key to entertaining your audience. Stories are the key to entertaining an audience. Read my article if you need assistance in coming up with great ideas. You can tell very brief stories and they can either be yours or others.

It's great if it's your own personal story.

It's okay if someone else's story is the one you want.

Begin by saying "I just heard a story."

Then, tell the story

Or "Let's tell you a tale"

->Design Your Talk Around Three Stories:>

Remember that less is more when you think about your talk. This should be your basic structure

Your opening

These are your 3 key points

Your closest

A strong opening is the first step. Next, a story Transition is next. The story Transition is second. You can also tell stories that inspire or make people feel strongly. Stories that motivate people can be told. They will lead to greater success and accomplishment.

7. Attract Patriotism, Loyalty, or Personal Gain

To grab the attention of your audience, you can appeal to specific motivations

Take, for example:

Our country is currently in great difficulty. I will give you five things we can do to make America the land of freedom, the home for the brave, and full opportunities for you and your children.

You need to consider the motivations of your audience.

8. Tell the Audience Exactly What They Will Gain

Motivation is about a desire to win. If you can communicate to your audience that you are going to get something from your talk, such as time, money or more prestige, they will listen and want to learn how. Another way to open a talk is to say, "There are three things that you must do to double your income over the next twelve months.

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